Tuesday, 23 February 2010

My First Blog

As the title describes, this is my very first blog (post? blogpost?).  In it I will lay down what I plan to do with future posts (posts.), and the blog generally, in the future, I think. 

My name is Anthony Cule (ie. Ant Cule (for short, or Ant, for even shorter)) and I am doing an MA in Theatre Directing, and as such, have a passing interest in, well, theatre directing.  I also have a passing interest in writing stuff.  So what I plan to do, really, is blog about (post about? blogpost about?) musings on theatre, musings on writing, maybe some writing, maybe even some theatre, if I do any recordings of it, and don't infringe any copyright laws.  I will be blogposting about these things because they are close to my heart and the only things that I really know a bit about, apart from football; but there are a lot of ways to read peoples' opinions on football, and I'm sure one more blog about football would just clutter up, not only the Football Blogosphere, but the Blogosphere in general, so not football then.

I hope that's all clear then.  I will try and actually keep it up, because it seems to me a good way to at least focus my mind on what I want to do, so even if no-one reads it, or everyone hates it then at least it's doing some good in the world.  Blogoworld.  To one man.  In his pants.  (Me.)

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