Thursday, 24 June 2010

My Mother's Birthday!

Today, the 24th of June, is my mother's birthday! Hurray! And what a lovely day! In order to celebrate it, and so you can all too, I've written a lovely 'Birthday Poem' for her, but I've taken great pains to ensure I haven't mentioned what age has befallen her.

I hope you enjoy it, and wish Elizabeth Cule a Happy Birthday!!!! (Elizabeth Cule is my mother)

Mum's Poem

First and foremost I’d like to say,
If nothing else on mum’s birthday -
Four and Twenty days of June -
Thanks for carrying me with you,
You, my mother, I want no other.

Find yourself a drink and drink it,
Over all the years you’ve earned it
Unless it’s the years before I was born,
Really, I don’t know what went on.

This poem may be scarce sufficient,
Oh well, it’s here and inefficient.
Dear mother, after all you’ve seen,
All I can say is that you’ve been-
Yes! The best! The very best!

Happy Birthday Mum!

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